Today I want to SHOW you Springwell Gardens!

This is our little bit of earth in downtown Cary, NC, where I grow flowers for WEDDINGS and Wilson grows vegetables to EAT.

When we moved to this home in OLD Cary, (where you can still put up clotheslines and do what you want to with your yard), we decided to make garden beds. Some trees were removed and a few beds went in. Over the years we have added to them- Wilson says that I am always changing things around, and he's right!

This year we decided to really try to neaten the area up a bit. So I cleared out the middle of a HUGE garden bed, put out edging stones and mulch, and Wilson made three raised garden beds for cut flowers that were placed within this area (see picture above). We also have some raised beds further back as well.

And wherever I can squeeze them in- there are other flower beds and borders as well. I am so excited to be able to offer brides more and more "garden wedding flowers".

The picture above shows some of what's blooming now- foxglove and dianthus. And in the bed pictured below are coral and salmon-rose zinnias that should be blooming in time for Dominique and Javier's wedding in late May. I started these plants from seeds just for their wedding.

I hope to have feverfew and yellow yarrow blooming for Katie in early June as well as scented geraniums- she loves the fragrance, and Susan is looking forward to white zinnias and Snow on the Mountain Euphorbia for her late June wedding- they're just baby plants now, oh but they're growing!!

I hope to post about what's blooming throughout the season, and give you peaks of the garden beds as they change.