
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Amnesia Roses for Melissa and Matt's Late Autumn Wedding

 The soft dusky lavender shade of Amnesia Roses pairs beautifully with the creamy pink beige of Sahara Roses. Together they conjure up a wonderful romantic, vintage feel. 
This color palette worked well for Melissa and Matt's wedding last weekend.
The dreamy colors are a lovely transition from autumn golds and oranges.
And roses look wonderful in all seasons!
Praying God's blessing for you two as you begin your married lives together!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Hooping It Up at Springwell Gardens

So excited to get the raised beds planted for late winter-early spring blooms. Started putting in ranunculus (see picture above) and anemone corms a couple of weeks ago.
 If  you look very closely you can see the baby plants starting to emerge!
Wilson gave up his Saturday to help me get the plastic covering in place. It's exciting to convert these raised beds into mini hoop houses. It means I will be able to grow cool season flowers that need a little protection from the low temperatures, and hopefully by late February or early March there will be ranunculus and anemones ready to pick!
There's also a batch of new seedlings taking off in the studio under grow lights. Poppies, foxlgove, snapdragons and delphinium will also be moved into these beds once they are a little larger.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Getting Ready- Garden Flowers for Spring Weddings

Seems like we are skipping through November! It is hard to believe that next week will be Thanksgiving- now how did that happen so quickly?
I am trying to keep up with the garden chores, because this is the time of year to prepare beds and start planting for spring time flowers.
I just received my last shipment of spring time bulbs, and hope to start getting them in the ground soon. Springwell Gardens is a suburban garden, so I have to make EVERY inch count.
Spanish Bluebells (hyacinthoides) will be going into the front beds
Pink Angelique tulips are slated for the back garden beds as well as ranunculus and anemones. I hope to find a few more places for daffodils as well.
And a few months from now the blooms will start! There should be a nice succession of spring time flowers for my March, April and May weddings.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Summer Wedding Flowers- Check Out Feverfew, Part 2

Last week's post was about a great garden flower for summer weddings- feverfew! There are several forms of this late spring/ early summer blooming flower. The single flower form (last week's post) looks like camomile. This week will focus on the double flower form.These are frilly blooms are about the size of your tip of your index finger with soft yellow centers.
Feverfew is a short lived perennial. I usually grow the double flower version from stem cuttings that are rooted in late summer.  Last year I had great success with the cuttings that I rooted from a lone plant, so in the spring there were drifts of feverfew in bloom. I cut back about one third of the plants before they ever bloomed and was able to extend the blooming period for a couple of weeks.
The double-flower form looks more refined and is beautiful in wedding bouquets and centerpiece work.
Its bloom season is from mid May through late June. Other garden flowers blooming at Springwell at that time include Queen Ann's Lace, calla lilies, Snow on the Mountain,  zinnias, summer phlox, dianthus and yarrow.

The stem cuttings from this past summer are well rooted and I am looking forward to having plenty of flowers for weddings next May and June!